
IHEDelftpursuescutting-edgeresearchthatfulfillsglobalwater-relatedneedsandtargetspragmatic,evidence-basedsolutions,therebycontributingtoamore ...,Sincethestartin1957,theInstitutehasprovidedwatereducationandtrainingtomorethan25,000professionalsfromover190countries,thevastmajority ...,TheInstituteisthelargestwatereducationfacilityintheworld,andtheonlyinstitutionintheUNsystemauthorizedtoconferacc...

IHE Delft Institute for Water Education

IHE Delft pursues cutting-edge research that fulfills global water-related needs and targets pragmatic, evidence-based solutions, thereby contributing to a more ...

About IHE Delft

Since the start in 1957, the Institute has provided water education and training to more than 25,000 professionals from over 190 countries, the vast majority ...


The Institute is the largest water education facility in the world, and the only institution in the UN system authorized to confer accredited MSc degrees.


IHE Delft Institute for Water Education is the largest international graduate water education facility in the world and is based in Delft, the Netherlands.

UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education

The UNESCO-IHE Institute in Water Education (IHE) and the World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP) both contribute additional strength to IHP. The IHE is a ...

【捷克】Telč 帖契。童話故事般的夢幻小鎮

【捷克】Telč 帖契。童話故事般的夢幻小鎮
